You’ve Probably Seen These Cute Bear Videos, But The Process Behind Some Is Awful مدونة حكيم الحديثة

You’ve Probably Seen These Cute Bear Videos, But The Process Behind Some Is Awful

You’ve Probably Seen These Cute Bear Videos, But The Process Behind Some Is Awful

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You’ve Probably Seen These Cute Bear Videos, But The Process Behind Some Is Awful

As indicated by Liz Jinata, a veterinarian and animal communicator who's watched the video of the Asiatic mountain bear moving around on his rear legs, almost certainly, he was recently exposed to terrible everyday environments at a bile ranch, and that his malnourished body makes it simpler for him to stand that way. These spots in Southeast Asia reap bear bile by keeping the creatures in little confines that prevent them from standing, sitting upstanding, or in any event, pivoting, and just give them enough food to keep them alive — and for the sole purpose of utilizing it in customary Chinese medication.

"With this day to day environment it's not astonishing that he's malnourished, which is appeared by how short his legs are and the body size is lopsidedly little for his head size. He is a lot littler than a grown-up Asiatic mountain bear of his age ought to be," she composed.

 Take this bear, for example. People were baffled when they saw him walking like a human in New Jersey, but it turns out that the creature’s front paws were likely injured.



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